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Foxfield Primary School


At Foxfield we firmly believe that all children have an entitlement to be educated alongside their peers in their local community. As an inclusive community, we are deeply committed to removing the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. Equality of opportunity is a reality for all our children within school and our dedicated Inclusion team work relentlessly to ensure that all children have the right to a fulfilling learning experience, regardless of their social background, ethnicity, academic ability or health. This includes support to all our parents, through informal coffee mornings, workshops, courses and drop-in meetings, as we understand the vital role our families play in the well-being and development of their children and the importance of working together as a team.

Our team ensures that children receive personalised interventions and pastoral care, whether it be for their social and emotional needs, special educational needs, disabilities, behaviour, mental health or medical needs. We support teachers and parents to identify and meet the needs of every child, providing opportunities for real-life learning and working with other agencies to ensure the best possible provision for our vulnerable pupils.

If you would like to make an enquiry or speak to someone in the inclusion team please email